How to use this site

Why a Digital Archive?

The Coota Girls Survivor Stories Digital Archive is a digital space for collating and sharing information and resources for the women and their families. It also contains several resources for educating the public about these critical histories. It is owned and managed by the Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation, which commissioned this project to the Jumbunna Research at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). 

The photographs and other material you can see on the site come from external collecting institutions such as libraries and archives. 

This digital archive aims for the Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation and the families to have a central place to access content and share stories, and a space to respond and add new interpretations and narratives. 


How to use this archive

The Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation manages the archive with guidance from the community on which cultural protocols to apply. This means that while this site is accessible online to everyone, the Coota Girls Aboriginal Corporation decides which content is visible and under which conditions. 

To start enjoying the site, you can browse the Homepage and navigate through the category you are interested in.

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Otherwise, you can start by looking through the available curated Collections or Browse all content from the main menu.

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This digital archive has been built using the Mukurtu  (MOOK-oo-too) content management system (CMS). Born in Tennant's Creek, Mukurtu is a free, mobile, and open-source platform built with Indigenous communities worldwide to manage and share cultural heritage while respecting the appropriate cultural protocols.